This portion will be based on process alone and will form the basis for new learning skills entries - it will not be evaluated based on the product as there are too many variables that can cause small problems even when the process is meticulously followed.
The materials requirement is as follows:
1 Design stencil - we will discuss means and methods for producing these from either original drawings or by modifying existing images. Designs must be full contrast (ie black and white).
HINT: Team and company logos are often good places to look for sensible methods of constructing good stencils.
I will provide a demo on how to manipulate pictures and photos using the software readily available to us at the school to help you on the path to stenciling. Drake on the right is a good example of this. (HINT : Strong directed lighting makes it easier to do!)
The intent is to choose and explore ideas that have meaning to you or bring you pleasure. Each project is a personal choice and creation. The only limit is that no two people in the room may choose the same image/design to work from!
Below are some excellent examples of student work!
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